Article posted on 30 April 2018 at 10:35am

Development update

Things are happening despite the lack of updates that you can see.

Since uploading the newest Youth Academy page I have moved on and an currently working on the Transfer Request details page, which I'm about 75% through changing.

I've also completed the extractions that one manager requires to be able to update his own site, although we are still conversing about the access/security of the data but it's not far off being what is required.

I am hoping to finish the current work over the next week or so and get that live before moving on.

I have some quick things I want to implement alongside my current work, of improving the interface on some pages, as well - so maybe I'll get some of these in play at random as it's these things that will prove that things are occurring behind the scenes and that the game is in development.

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