Article posted on 19 March 2020 at 2:01pm

Move to automatic processing update

Hopefully you are all keeping safe and well in the strange current world. I just thought it was probably time to give you another update on coding changes that I've been working on.

I'm continuing to monitor contract work. Players are now being transferred for free once their contracts expired and I am making tweaks where I see fit. It's getting better as I develop it but please do contact me if you think contracts aren't being accepted (or are being accepted to the wrong team) so I can check on whether it's working as I intend or not. I'll also try and explain to you why it happened.

In terms of other progress, I still want to make the game engine something that runs automatically which will free up more of my time to develop more (and stop game pauses when I'm on leave). In order to do this I have to move the whole match engine to the same code base that the contracts now works on, as that's the automatic process that I have. The good news is that I have now completed it - I just haven't tested it (you may remember a slight screw up a few weeks ago). My first test is hopefully going to be the end of season procedure that will occur on Monday and then I hope to run the games as they are currently for the live system AND in the new system within my local development so I can compare results and fix any bugs. How long I'll do this for depends on the number of issues I find - and how much time I have, which may actually be a bit over the next few weeks!

To get the engine to a test phase I've had to move some transfer processes (offer making, loan cancelling etc) over to some shared code that the engine and the site can both use - this also should mean things are more streamlined going forwards. There were little issues as I did this but they should all be ironed out now.

I've also attempted to switch the mail system to use separate data sets for sent mail and incoming mail - it used to share the same data so outbox mails couldn't be deleted until they were read. I still need to test this in detail but it seems OK. My plan here is to be able to add more functionality to the communication systems in the future.

Alongside all this, I am trying to add or tweak current systems in the game where I think they are beneficial and simple enough to do - I do try and keep the sites' changelog page up-to-date when I have done updates so feel free to randomly look.

My plan is to try and get the evening process to run matches, contracts, transfers etc and to have everything running on the new code base as soon as possible. Once I have done this then that's when I will start looking at proper game improvements - of which there are still loads!

Be well!

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