Article posted on 16 February 2018 at 5:23pm

Latest development

Hi all, just another update.

I apologise, again/as always, for the delay in getting anything live that you can actually see. I plan to have time developing and then get tripped up by other events.

However, things are progressing - certainly with the youth academy page whereby I'm just trying to finalise a confirmation dialogue before being able to run through the functionality. This should only take me a couple of hours to do and then I intend to get that page live in the new format and see how it runs - also known as seeing if any of you have any problems using it. I'm hoping I'll get those hours on Sunday evening but we'll see.

There is a little job to do then to help a manager out who runs a site that requires Mystify data but as there's no design involved from my side here, I think I can get that done relatively quickly so I'll probably do that whilst we find any youth academy problems before moving onto the other pages that need to be improved.

I'm also trialling a free SSL service to be able to make the site more secure - the game doesn't really need to be SSL secured but with Google starting to throw up warnings everywhere about the site not being so, it does no harm if I can get it sorted at low (or no) cost. So feel free to try out the https version of the site. If it doesn't load then just go back to the http version - I am trialling it after all. If my trial goes well then I'll force everyone to use that and redirect all the traffic.

Meanwhile I have been making notes on how I want to do player contracts so I'm not sat too idle.

Nothing more for now. My list of things I want to implement does grow faster than I can code though!

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